Call Center Data

April Call Center Data As of 4/30/2024

Calls received: 34,681
Average abandonment rate: 0.53%
Average speed to answer: 0:29 minutes
Average handle time: 10:23 minutes

March Call Center Data As of 3/31/2024

Calls received: 31,128
Average abandonment rate: 0.43%
Average speed to answer: 0:21 minutes
Average handle time: 10:53 minutes

February Call Center Data As of 2/29/2024

Calls received: 33,265
Average abandonment rate: 0.96%
Average speed to answer: 0:44 minutes
Average handle time: 10:37 minutes

January Call Center Data As of 1/31/2024

Calls received: 37,283
Average abandonment rate: 3.23%
Average speed to answer: 2:36 minutes
Average handle time: 10:21 minutes

December Call Center Data As of 12/31/2023

Calls received: 32,336
Average abandonment rate: 1.50%
Average speed to answer: 1:16 minutes
Average handle time: 10:30 minutes

November Call Center Data As of 11/30/23

Calls received:35,277
Average abandonment rate: 6.99%
Average speed to answer: 6:00 minutes
Average handle time: 10:01 minutes

October Call Center Data As of 10/31/23

Calls received: 34,704
Average abandonment rate: 1.57%
Average speed to answer: 1:24 minutes
Average handle time: 10:43 minutes

September Call Center Data As of 09/30/23

Calls received: 31,308
Average abandonment rate: 0.96%
Average speed to answer: 44 seconds
Average handle time: 11:08 minutes

August 2023 Call Center Data As of 8/31/23

Calls received:37,350
Average abandonment rate: 2.96%
Average speed to answer: 2:20 minutes
Average handle time: 11:31 minutes

July 2023 Call Center Data As of 7/31/23

Calls received: 37,150
Average abandonment rate: 14.98%
Average speed to answer: 11 minutes
Average handle time: 11:28 minutes

June 2023 Call Center Data As of 06/30/23

Calls received: 38,115
Average abandonment rate:19.15%
Average speed to answer: 14 minutes
Average handle time: 11:13 minutes

May 2023 Call Center Data As of 05/31/23

Calls received: 37,533
Average abandonment rate: 29.83%
Average speed to answer: 24 minutes
Average handle time: 11:40 minutes

April 2023 Call Center Data 04/21/2023 - 04/30/2023

Abandonment rate: 53%
Average speed to answer: 43 minutes

What Does This Data Mean?

KanCare is closely monitoring the KanCare Clearinghouse to make sure that members and stakeholders are able to talk to someone quickly when they call with questions. The following data is included:
1.) Number of calls received.
2.) Average speed to answer a call (how long it took for a Clearinghouse employee to answer the call).
3.) Average handle time (length of time a Clearinghouse employee worked on a call).
4.) Average abandonment rate (how many callers hung up before talking to a Clearinghouse employee). 

In April, the KanCare Clearinghouse saw call volumes above the increase that was expected. KanCare took steps to reduce wait times and abandonment rates for callers and saw a decrease in both caller wait times and call abandonment rates in May. KanCare continues to work with the call center vendor to decrease wait times and abandonment rates. 

To give an accurate picture of the KanCare Clearinghouse, the week with peak activity in April has been averaged. All call center data for the month of May has been averaged.